If you’re a passionate golfer, chances are you already know that keeping your golf balls clean and in good condition is essential for getting the perfect shot. Dealing with professional cleaners or lugging around special tools to use on the course isn’t always feasible.
That’s why we want to let you know that it’s entirely possible to keep those golf balls squeaky clean by using supplies found at home; all it takes is some guidance that you’ll find in this blog post!

Before we dive into the steps, know this!

Golf balls are typically constructed from durable materials that can withstand most common household detergents. Cleaning them properly guarantees optimal results because dirty golf balls suffer from reduced backspins due to the added weight of dirt. To ensure peak performance in your game, always inspect and clean your balls before use.
To save yourself the stress of going through the manual cleaning process, we recommend this portable and amazingly effective compact-sized golf ball cleaner from GOOLFIKY.
Can You Clean Golf Balls With Soap And Water?
Is it okay to wash your balls with soap? Yes, you can clean your golf balls with soap and water!
The best way to go about it is as follows.
- Fill a bucket or container with warm water.
- Add a generous amount of dish soap. Make sure you use a mild detergent that won’t damage the ball.
- Get an old toothbrush to scrub off any dirt and debris from the golf ball’s surface.
- Once you’ve completed the previous step, rinse off the balls with clean water to remove any soap residue.
- To finish it all off, dry them using a soft towel or let them air dry for a few hours before putting them back in your bag.
Can You Clean Golf Balls With Vinegar?
Vinegar is another excellent option for cleaning golf balls. Do the following if you intend to clean your golf balls at home with vinegar.
- Fill a container with one part white vinegar and two parts water.
- Drop your balls into it and let them soak for up to 15 minutes before taking them out.
- Scrub away any dirt or debris with an old toothbrush.
- Rinse off the balls using clean water and let them dry for a few hours before putting them back in your golf bag.
You can also mix vinegar with baking soda to create a paste that you can use as an abrasive scrub for tougher dirt on the surface of your golf balls.

Can You Clean Golf Balls With Toothpaste?
Yes, you can also use toothpaste to clean your golf balls. This is great if you don’t have any dish soap or vinegar on hand.
- Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto an old toothbrush and scrub the ball until it’s clean.
- Rinse off the ball to remove any remaining toothpaste and let it dry for a few hours before putting it back in your golf bag.
Using toothpaste is also helpful if you want to restore the shine of an old golf ball; the abrasives in the paste can help buff away any dirt or discoloration and help you whiten stained golf balls.
Can I Use Bleach To Clean Golf Balls?
Using bleach to clean your golf balls is not a good idea, as it can damage the ball’s surface and cause discoloration or fading. Bleach is also highly corrosive and can weaken the material used in golf balls over time.
If you’re looking for an effective way to sanitize your golf balls, try using rubbing alcohol instead. This will help disinfect the ball without causing any damage to its surface.
Cleaning Golf Balls With Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to clean and disinfect these golf balls without harsh chemicals. All you have to do is mix one part hydrogen peroxide with nine parts water in a container, add the golf balls, and let them soak for 15 minutes before taking them out and rinsing off with clean water. Once you’ve finished soaking it, use a soft cloth to dry off the balls, and they’ll be as good as new!
Learn More About This Cleaning Process
How To Clean Golf Balls In The Dishwasher
If you’re wondering how to clean golf balls in the dishwasher, the answer is yes!
You can put your golf balls in the top rack of a dishwasher with regular detergent. Select a delicate cycle and use warm water for cleaning. Let the balls air dry for a few hours before you put them back in your golf bag.
This is an excellent method to use, especially if you have a lot of dirty golf balls to clean, as it will save you time and energy! Ensure that you remove any remaining water from the balls before putting them back in your bag.

Soak The Golf Balls In A Bucket Of Water
Golf ball cleaning at home with a bucket of water is not rocket science. All you need is some water, a bucket, a brush, and a towel. This method is suitable for cleaning multiple balls at a go. It does take a little bit of time if you have many balls to clean.
Simply fill up a bucket with warm water, add a little soap, and start scrubbing away. In no time, your golf balls will be sparkling clean and ready for your next round. Give it a try and see the difference it can make!
Wrapping Up
Don’t forget that keeping your golf balls clean and in good condition is essential for getting the perfect shot. With a few simple steps, you can easily maintain your golf balls at home — with just a little bit of elbow grease! Happy golfing!